Fawwaaz USA Testimony Bender Movement
Nick USA Testimony Bender Movement

Read what my clients are saying…

Elena USA Testimony Bender Movement
Mahima India Testimony Bender Movement
Tracey UK Testimony Bender Movement
Chuck USA Testimony Bender Movement
Mo USA Testimony Bender Movement

"What do you call it when you've been in fairly chronic pain for years from a back injury and have explored just about every treatment modality available, and then you suddenly find relief? Until a year ago, I would have called it wishful thinking. Now I call it Tasha Louie.

Tasha is one of those rare trainers who combines technical skills with insight and empathy. She definitely makes you work hard, but she also makes it a lot of fun. "


Fawwaaz USA Testimony Bender Movement

"Training with Tasha, has had to have been one of the best decisions I've made, somewhere up there next to sky diving.

As a photographer, I shoot a TON of video. Her training has confidently encouraged me to stop using a stabilizer. I AM the stabilizer! I’ve become so fluid in motion it’s insane."

Fawwazz, USA

Nick USA Testimony Bender Movement

"I came to Tasha for help addressing what I thought were my weaknesses. Working with her, I saw first hand that what I thought was holding me back wasn’t an issue at all. I tapped into previously unknown strengths, improved my coordination both on and off the wall, and learned so much more about the nuances of movement and how my body functions in space. These improvements have translated to both better climbing and, most importantly, less injuries pursuing what I love. Her collaboration and deep insight created a rich and fun learning environment, and I’m deeply thankful for the opportunity to work with her."

Nick, USA

Chuck USA Testimony Bender Movement

"Being a road warrior and having to sit long hours behind the wheel and a computer caused many inflexible and weak muscles. Being in the winter of my years doesn’t help my body either. Tasha’s principles resolved many of my aches and pains of neck, shoulder and shin splints.

I applaud Tasha’s skill, knowledge of anatomy, and attentiveness to my needs and requirements so I may fulfill the goals of mobility, body awareness, coordination, and stability."

Chuck, USA

Tracey UK Testimony Bender Movement

"As someone who had spinal fusion at a young age, I find it (emphasis on) extremely hard to pick and trust people when it comes to knowing what’s right for my body since I have such unique circumstances to work with. From the beginning, Tasha was comforting, informative and helped guide me towards autonomy in my strength and mobility training. "

Tracey, UK

Elena USA Testimony Bender Movement

"I've had the pleasure of working with Tasha on and off over the past year, and man she is rad. She's an empathetic, intelligent coach, who knows how to work with clients with any kind of movement background. If you're looking for someone who can mindfully guide you toward your fitness/movement goals, look no further :)"

Elena, USA

Sara Sweden Testimony Bender Movement

"She provides me a very safe space where I can start growing out of my comfort zone and build towards new bodily abilities in a playful and creative context.

I have become free from a back pain which many professionals told me was chronic. And the best of all, I get to move, work out and build skills in such a way that makes me leave the gym with a big smile."

Sara, Sweden

Wing USA Testimony Bender Movement

"Tasha has been my fitness trainer for over seven months now. She is very dedicated, patient, and encouraging. My lower back is not very good, but she taught me to how to get stronger and master my movement preferences and options. My back keeps improving."

Wing, USA

Joe USA Testimony Bender Movement

"I asked Tasha to improve my overall mobility to help with my golf swings. After assessing my lack of mobility, she built programs to improve my mobility while helping maintain and improve my strength. I’m hitting the ball at least 10% further - with every club - because Tasha helped lengthen my swing by increasing my hip and shoulder rotation.

That’s great, but the best thing about Tasha is her willingness to accept and incorporate client feedback. She’s a great coach because she cares and she listens. "

Joe, USA

April USA Testimony

Ever since I started working with Tasha, I noticed I could leverage my strength in my lifts into more overall power in everything I did. Her training translated to a vast improvement in my climbing. Her unique training style is empowering and lets me feel strong.

When we train, it feels more like a collaboration for the day than just following a program. After six years of runner’s knee, Tasha’s training has made it possible for me to run marathon distances. Most importantly, as someone who practices multiple sports, Tasha has been a fantastic coach that is flexible and helps my training in supplemental ways."

April, USA

"I hadn’t touched my toes since Lyndon B. Johnson was in office. I was 22 years old, do the math and tell me your trainer can do that for the rest of the old geezers out there. Oh, I also found out that I have hips, hips that move, hips that can add 40 yards to my golf game."

Charles, USA